
Generate fields during runtime in visualizations with “runtime fields”, “lens formulas” or “scripted fields”. But beware: they are coming with a price. If you miss fields and query them regularly, better create them during indexing.

Solution 1: Create runtime_mappings

To add a runtime field, go to Stack Management -> Index Patterns -> [your index pattern] -> Add field

Now add a runtime field name and set the right data type. Add a custom label, this will be the name that will be visible in your Lens visualization. And then emit a value that is computed from existing fields or by a Painless Script.

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Solution 2: add a lens formula

This is described here: Kibana Lens Formula. Just as a quick recap: you can add a formula to your metrics in Lens:

Solution 3: add a scripted field

This is deprecated! But for completeness and for those who run old versions of Kibana/Elasticsearch, I will quickly show how a scripted field can be added. Go again to To add a runtime field, go to Stack Management -> Index Patterns -> [your index pattern] and change to the tab „Scripted fields“. Then add a scripted field like below:

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Fields that are generated during runtime are considered expensive. Be careful and use them wisely. If you need them regularly, consider adding these fields with a pipeline and a script for new data and the _update_by_query endpoint using the same script for adding these fields for the existing data.

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